5 Day Ashtanga Yoga Intensive at Yogayama with Laruga


August 16th - August 20th 
Yogayama - Stockholm, Sweden
18:00 - 20:00 (6pm-8pm)

Join me, for a deepening journey through the soul of Ashtanga yoga. Practical knowledge of internal alignment, focusing on the fundamental principles of vinyasa, joining movement and breath, balancing strength and flexibility, will be integral to the intensive. A perfect way to jump start your practice or simply delve deeper into an existing practice, extending a week that will challenge, inspire, and stretch not only the body, but your preconceived potential.

950 SEK

7 Insightful Comments:

1. Grimmly said...

Me too, sadly no holiday left, hope it goes well

2. Ursula said...

I am a fan of you!!!!!!

3. peaceloveyoga said...

Thanks everyone! It would be a hoot if all of us bloggers' could get together and practice. :)

4. Boodiba said...

Have you ever practiced with Rolf? I'm just curious...

5. peaceloveyoga said...

@ Boodiba - yes, I have. He's beyond amazing. Only studied with him for one stint when he came to Columbus, and then I followed him to the next town. It was only him, no Marci. Would love to practice under his guidance again at some point. He seems to have everything - a solid knowledge of the practice mixed with an amazing presence and heartfelt sincerity. I really fell in love his energy.

6. Boodiba said...

Ah yes. I'm trying to decide whether or not to go see him again. Is very risky for me, but I feel like I need a teacher! He's so wise, that Rolf.

7. peaceloveyoga said...

Agreed. My time with him was too short. However, he left a lasting impression on me which is rare. He's the real deal.


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