Krishna Das


"Chanting is a way of getting in touch with yourself. It's an opening of the heart and letting go of the mind and thoughts. It deepens the channel of grace, and it's a way of being present in the moment."
(Krishna Das)

Last night we had the incredible experience of seeing Krishna Das in concert right in the heart of Stockholm. What more can I say? It was absolutely wonderful. Finally after all this time I had the chance to see him live. He takes the audience on a incredible journey through devotional sound and song. The chants vibrated through my entire being. Moving and transformational in many ways.

Thank you, Krishna Das!

2 Insightful Comments:

1. Tracy said...

have you read his book yet?
I feel like I understand him so much more after reading it...meaning, his utter Love for chanting~~it's a wonderful book! xx

2. peaceloveyoga said...

Aww. No, I haven't read his book. I would love to though. Thanks for the recommendation Tracy! XOX


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