Weekly Round Up


No matter what stage I find myself in my practice, Fridays are for Primary Series, and Sundays are dedicated for Intermediate. I especially like the feeling of coming full circle on Fridays, ending with Primary. There is something absolutely satisfying about it. Then, after having Saturday off, diving into Intermediate to kick of the week sets the pace for what is up ahead. It's feels good, and necessary to follow this routine, though challenging at the same time. Going through a set cycle is an awesome access point for self observation.

Practice today, felt good, though I was a bit tired. Lately, maintaining the drishte has really started to deepen. I'm getting a sense of how not only do we move the energy or prana internally through the bandhas but also through the gaze with intent and focus, especially during vinyasa. It's all connected.

Tonight is my liver/gallbladder flush session. Yes, I'm doing another one - it's all about maintenance. The seasons seem to be shifting in Stockholm. It's already feeling like Fall. A bit early for my taste. Blah.There is no better time to do a cleanse than during the change of seasons. Our bodies naturally crave this. One reason why people often get sick during season shifts. I've quoted it many times before but the book I follow for the cleanse is The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse: An All-Natural, At-Home Flush to Purify and Rejuvenate Your Body, by Andreas Moritz, who has an informative website and blog, by the way. Check it out. He's on facebook too and really says some interesting things.

This week I was alerted to the fact Tim Miller started a blog. For those of you who may not know, I'm a huge fan of Timiji. There is so much embedded within him after over 30 years of continuous practice. He's a gem to all practicing Ashtanga yoga. A true gem. I was a bit confused because it seems he has two blogs. One where he talks of personal accounts and another that is more informational in nature. Either way, I'm loving that he's putting himself out there so candidly, and sincerely. Below are the links. I especially like his post describing what he was going through internally following Guruji's passing.

Tim Miller blog
"Dust" - By Tim Miller

I extracted the following poem from Tim's second blog, as well. I couldn't help it. One thing I remember about his workshops is that he always had the most perfect reading excerpts to share with the group. This is no exception.

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend! Enjoy.

The Feast of the Epiphany
Peace Be unto Thee,  Stranger
Peace be unto thee,  stranger,  enter and be not afraid.
I have left the gate open and thou art welcome to my home.
There is room in my house for all.
I have swept the hearth and lighted the fire.
The room is warm and cheerful and you will find comfort and rest within.
The table is laid and the fruits of Life are spread before thee.
The wine is here also, it sparkles in the light.
I have set a chair for you where the sunbeams dance through the shade.
Sit and rest and refresh your soul.
Eat of the fruit and drink of the wine.
All, all is yours, and you are welcome.

  -Ernest Holmes

1 Insightful Comments:

1. StEvE said...

Hi Laruga,

Thank you so much for pointing me in the direction of Tim's blog. Both of them are an incredibly inspiring and uplifting read. Talk about a 'fountain of knowledge', Wow!


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