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3 Insightful Comments:

1. Boodiba said...

"Like you should never do it two days in a row"????? Who said that? Why am I always expected to do it FOUR days in a row :)

Funny with the 2nd. When I first met JC last summer - when Chris was in Mysore - I had to go back to full 2nd, with 3rd up to Durvasasana. He kept me there three weeks and then started allowing more & more 3rd, building me back up in the three weeks I had left. I was finishing with Purna Matseyendrasana by that point. It did feel like it helped my 2nd a bit.

2. peaceloveyoga said...

Yeah. I don't see there being a problem with two days in a row. If it beats one down it must mean they aren't ready.

Doing all of 2nd and most of 3rd is a tough mountain to climb both physically and mentally. Sounds like you got a sense of what you are made of through that process.

3. Boodiba said...

Oh god that was a case of yogic hazing I think. My friend Ayelet said John only made her do that once, but with me it was a process that took weeks. There was some value in it though. I raced through everything without thinking about it... I wouldn't want to do that all the time, but I see the difference between then & now, when I am perhaps too relaxed about my pace.


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