London Cityscapes


Yeah, I know, I'm really overdoing it with the London pictures! I took so many! I was feeling inspired or maybe a bit trigger happy, not sure. One thing I appreciated about London were the abundance of pubs with funny names. Hahaha, It doesn't take much to amuse me.

Like Stockholm, London is a coffee mecca. I fell in love with Monmouth in the Borough Market area. Ahhh, so nice, minus the fact I really shouldn't be drinking coffee anyway, haha. Shhh!

 Near Brick Lane

Navigating in London's Underground, otherwise known as the Tube, is like maneuvering in an endless array of tunnels and corridors. Took me a while to grasp it all.  Also, it's hotter than hell down there! This, is coming from someone who is always cold!

 London Fog

 Bliss Hoodie

 Millennium Bridge

 Tower Bridge,  again

We also caught the show, We Will Rock You. It was fantastic. Are you a fan of Queen? Can't say that I am, but it's righteous good stuff. I recommend it. It's amazing how talented these performers are! I was seriously impressed.

I ♥ Borough Market!

2 Insightful Comments:

1. Grimmly said...

London's kind of home though I live a little outside now, always nice to see it with a visitors eye. So glad you made Borough market on a market day, my wife (up until a couple of months ago ) worked just down the road, was a nice place to meet her for lunch. Plus she could keep us in Monmouth coffee for the espresso machine, going to have to make a special trip now. Glad you enjoyed your time here.

2. Ahu said...

I love London! Great photos Laruga!


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