

"If you can empty your own boat, crossing the river of the world, no one will oppose you. No one will seek to harm you. He who can free himself from achievement and from pain descends and is lost amid the masses of men. He will flow like Tao, unseen. He will go about like life itself, with no name and no home. Simple is he without destination. To all appearances he is a fool. His steps leave no trace. He has no power. He achieves nothing. He has no reputation. Since he judges no one, no one judges him. Such is the perfect man. His boat is empty."

Now that we are officially into Fall it seems only fitting I came down with a gnarly cold. Usually during times of transition we become more susceptible to illness. Some would call it a natural cleansing. I like to think of it that way. Reminds me, this is a perfect time to do another liver and gallbladder cleanse! When I first started doing the cleanses I did them more frequently as were recommended. Now, I do them at a maintenance level. Which means during the seasonal shift. Biologically our bodies are more apt to purge during the seasonal transitions so supporting it by doing a cleanse is a good way to go.

Autumn has always been a season I've enjoyed. The crisp air somehow feels fresher, cleaner, more vibrant. There's the harvest. There's new beginnings. I become reminiscent. Brings back the excitement of all that came with the kick-off of a new school year. It always felt good to be delving into something new. Now I take the opportunity to tap into what new things I want to create moving forward. Or, what I would like to deepen into. With the incoming darkness, it really seems fitting that it becomes more of an internal excavation. Sometimes it just makes sense to flow with the energy of the seasons instead of against them. However, with that being said, there does seem to be a subtle vitality to the Autumn season. With the Sun sitting a bit lower on the horizon the light is reflected differently. We have the opportunity to see things in a new way.

Happy Vernal Equinox!

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