"Yoga is the union that occurs with the discovery of our true self and the knowledge of our true nature. Yoga is the union with that which is truth for the whole universe, and that union gives peace. Yoga is a way to understand our place within creation and guides us to act without harming others or causing pain to ourselves." ~Baba Hari Dass

I admit...I have been totally hiding out since coming back home...I'm not sure what it is exactly. For one thing, I've been getting my body back into balance...which four months in India did a good job with...but one month in Thailand almost undid all of it. I'm back to eating predominately raw foods and I couldn't feel better. Don't worry, I'm not gonna preach the wonders of a raw food diet...it just works for me...like magic...like nothing else.
Right now, I'm going through a pretty big transition...and I'm doing my best to absorb it all...that's probably why I haven't felt inclined to blog all that much. There are so many emotions running through me...I dunno...I've stopped searching for answers...I have faith they will come in time.
I miss my boyfriend who is still in Thailand at the moment...and he is truly something special...but I won't be blogging much about him because somethings need to be kept close to the heart...I miss India...but I know I'll be back...I miss the friends I made...but it was time to move on...
Its times like these that instead of running away or trying not to feel...I sit with it...and continue my daily practice...its like my best friend...that never fails me...is always truthful...and is always there...

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