My Soul Is A Candle


My Soul Is A Candle

My soul is a candle that burned away the veil;
only the glorious duties of light I now have.

The sufferings I knew initiated me into God.
I am a holy confessor for men.

When I see their tears running across their cheeks
and falling into
His hands,

what can I say to their great sorrow
that I too have

The soul is a candle that will burn away the darkness,
only the glorious duties of love we will have.

The sufferings I knew initiated me into God.
Only His glorious cares
I now have.

~St. John of the Cross

Part of me feels like a little girl...a girl who is a bit lost, and unknowing what life will bring. Maybe it isn't such a bad thing. I dunno. It is just how a feel today for some reason. I'm doing my best to go with the flow...however there is a part of me that seems to be growing impatient. I have gone through much acceptance of where I am at at the moment. Do I follow my heart and leave caution to the wind?...or do I buckle down and get down to business??? Or can I have both??? Hmmmmmmm. That would be nice.

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