

"There is no remedy for love, but to love more."

- Henry David Thoreau

Goodbye Stockholm. Hello...jet lag. I'm back in the States. Didn't really report when I was leaving because I was sidetracked, obviously, before taking off.

I probably had one of my best international travel experiences flying British Airways from Stockholm to Columbus. Everything went super smooth even though I had to go through security a total of 3 times. Started in Stockholm, Arlanda, with layovers in London, Heathrow, and Chicago, O' finally touch down in Columbus. The added bonus was I flew business class from Heathrow to Chicago, and I'm officially spoiled for the rest of my travel career. Ha!

How does it feel to be back after over a year of being away? Well, let me get back to you on that.

Tomorrow, I'll send off the paperwork, and set the wheels in motion in regards to living abroad more permanently. This time, I'm not running away, I'm running toward something. Another life. Another experience that happened unexpectedly - nonetheless a pleasant surprise. You just never know what life will throw at you.

Travel and discovery are undoubtedly in my blood. Finally, I'm living and aligning to what ultimately makes me come alive - sometimes, we simply don't have a choice in the matter. We are lead toward a calling that can only be answered by stepping forward confidently, with faith, knowing, understanding that leading a life with heart is part of joining to the will and gifts of Grace.

Something has changed. Call it an internal shift. Call it a small awakening. Call it what you like. The label is insignificant. However, looking with new eyes changes everything. It is true - our reality begins within us.

Now, I hold a space of gratitude within me, which has been such an important practice. Whenever, I start to tread into negative waters, I take it as a sign that I have forgotten who I am and all that I have to be thankful for. Gratitude has a way of pulling us out of the muck and into the essence of what is True.

I definitely don't have all the answers...and, yes I probably have more questions than answers, but sitting in the delight of what each day will bring, holding on to what is True, brings comfort in times of transition and uncertainty. This is a place I've come to know well on every level imaginable.

Am I any wiser? Ha! I doubt it...but, I've experienced much, and have rubbed up against the troubled waters that rise and fall, from time to time, and will always be...but, maybe I've become better acquainted with how to navigate through it, all the while, connecting to what is ultimately real and untarnished.

With every breath I take, I couldn't be more thankful for what the gifts the past year gave - invisible to the naked eye, but priceless in value. Some were tough lessons of faith and surrender. Others were gifts of unconditional love and strength. All of it culminating to a place of oneness.

Blessed by all the people who touched my heart, no matter how big or small, I've learned that it starts and ends with each other. It's isn't me without the other.

Thank you.

4 Insightful Comments:

Tracy said...

this warms my heart~
seeing this complete Joy~
and i LOVE the fact that you got to "taste" flying business class too!!! ;0) xx

Ahu said...

Very inspiring! I wish you all the luck!

peaceloveyoga said...

Tacy, I totally thought of you when I got my upgrade - remembering your flight back home from india.

Thank you for the well wishes Maya.

Tiffany said...

Wow, that was beautiful. I'm so happy I met you and I look forward to when we can laugh and cry side by side again.


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