"What is sin? It is a sin to prevent Love from showing itself. And the Mother of Love. We are entering a new world in which we can choose to follow our own steps, not those that society forces us to take. If necessary, we will confront the forces of darkness again, as we did last week. But no one will silence our voice or our heart."

~ the novel, The Witch of Portobello, by Paulo Coelho

For a while I've come to my computer to blog...and hadn't felt the urge to say anything. The thought of putting words on the screen seemed to take too much energy. Not sure why that is. Maybe partly to do with the fact I've been tired, fatigued and a bit exhausted. However, now it seemed to have passed. The solution has been me needing to be pretty strict and diligent with myself with regards to getting to bed on time...no lee-way...and eating extra healthy. I found if I slip in either one of these areas I don't feel quite right. For, I've been expending large amounts of energy outward since being here, so being strict in those areas has been important. Been teaching more classes this month than last, and next month there be more added with workshops on Sundays. So...I need to brace myself...its all good though.

Yesterday, I taught a group relatively new to yoga from a corporation in a neighboring city. Mr. Wang wanted me to introduce myself to the group by giving them a 20 minute talk on how I got into yoga...the process of my growth, and what it has meant. You know, boring stuff. When I was done speaking I asked the group if they had any questions. Only one girl raised her hand...and she went on to ask me which postures were good for loosing weight. Man! That had me tickled. Who cares about the deep meaning of yoga...I wanna loose some weight...hahahaha...it's time to get real. Why take this path so seriously?

Hiking on Saturdays has become part of my routine. It's been great. Around Chiayi there are various trails in the mountains. Last Saturday we hiked to the top of another. Mostly what you will find at the top is a Buddhist temple...and, among other things, interesting, fascinating people. Met this fellow who intuited some things with one simple glance. Talk about goose bumps...there will be more to follow. I think I may have found a teacher.

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