Taking Flight


Your purpose is to act on the resources God gives you. If God gives you a bucket of fish, you have to distribute those fish. If you don't, they're going to rot, attract a bunch of flies, and start stinking up your soul.

~ Russell Simmons

My little yoga class is starting to tight flight. What fun. I like to get practitioners to a point where they begin to take ownership of their practice. Getting a sense of moving and breathing. In union. Feeling what it's like to inhabit the body instead of simply encompassing the head. Flowing. Flowing and moving...Moving and flowing. Memorizing is key. I won't move a student on until they have a solid grasp of the vinyasa count and the posture. At least this is the method that has worked out well, thus far, for the needs of the students. Some get a bit over zealous and want everything all at once. However, I remind them that each step is important. Each step. Each step has something to teach. We gotta go deep. This is where the richness IS. Not just in how far we go in the series. Of course, I honor their enthusiasm. It makes the process all the more fun.

They keep me on my toes. Often, as we end class, I get some of the most thought provoking questions. Sometimes, I laugh at myself, for many of the questions bring it all back to my own personal process. All around, it has been a growing experience. I know it has for me, I hope it has for them as well.

I express the importance of simply showing up to our mats daily. Nothing I tell them will light candle to the beauty found within. Once they enter into a moving stillness.

They ask...

What is it? What is there...in the stillness?

I say...

The Truth. Whatever that is for you. But don't believe me because I say this. Just do it. You'll see.

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