

More than those who hate you, more than all your enemies, an undisciplined mind does greater harm.

~ Buddha

Emotions. Energy in motion. Moving in. Moving out.

No matter what. Emotions come about. A trigger. To my surprise. Bouts of sadness entered in.

Someone I highly admire once told me...when we start shining the light, it exposes the dark areas that have been hiding. Guess that's the best way to describe some of what I'm feeling.

Instead of stuffing it down, and not feel. I choose to allow the sadness to come through, and pass, like a thief in the night.


Once again. It goes back to impermanence. Change. Changes everything. Life moves. Things shift. Like the eye of a hurricane. I will sit still and watch.

The clouds will part. The sun will shine. This I know. If anything at all.

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