"You are what your deep, driving desire is.
As your deep driving desire is, so is your will.
As your will, so is your deed.
As your deed is, so is your destiny."
~ Upanishads
I feel as if I'm floating with nothing to anchor me. Is what I'm left with my destiny? Will grace come and carry me forward? Or do I need to push through and find my way? The latter hasn't been so successful for me.
The last several weeks have left me feeling a bit detached and withdrawn.
Been getting in tune with deciphering between my own inner voice and that of my ego's endless wanting. Wow...its relentless.
Why do I at the same time feel so deeply confused? It feels troubling, unsettling, and uncomfortable.
2 Insightful Comments:
Laruga~ I understand so completely your feelings..I believe it is a hard time for so many right now, with all that is changing and going on around us. If we just try to be still amidst it all, and not absorb so much of it, it makes it a bit better...but it is truly challenging. I wish you Peace and Balance~ you will get through it.
Blessings friend~
Thank you. Its such a constant ebb and flow...sigh...
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