Take someone who doesn't keep score,
who's not looking to be richer, or afraid of losing,
who has not the slightest interest even
is his own personality: he's free.
~Rumi, Furuzanfar #116, Rubaiyat
I've always entered Pincha Mayurasana kicking one leg at a time...seemed to suit me just fine, but after observing others jumping in with both legs I thought I would give it a go. First, trying near a wall...just in case I go tumbling over. Gotta have the safety net for confidence's sake. ;)
Well, in the beginning, it seemed nearly impossible because of the positioning of the arms...but I found it easier than it looks...attempted jumping up with bent legs, and that went really well...after several rounds I went for the straight leg jump in. Low and behold...I did it...couldn't believe it...thought it was gonna take more effort on my part, but no...surprisingly it connected. Now...if only Karandavasana were that easy...hmmmm.
Because of the imbalances in my body I feel the need to enter postures in a symmetrical fashion as much as possible to counteract them. I have the habitual pattern of entering handstand and pincha with the same leg. Or, for jump backs...I always cross the left leg over the right. Also, with my left arm being more stable because of the rod and screws in it vs. my right, where it's hyper-mobile, I have to be cognizant of finding a balanced approach to everything...I guess its good...gotta bring it back to deepening awareness.
Even though there is a forward progression to the Ashtanga system there are always places to go deeper...places to refine...even in the most basic of postures. Geesh...even standing in samasthitih!
Anyway...I remember a wise teacher once told me..."Its not how far you go...its how deep that's important"
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