"The ancient yogis believe that the spirit is contained within the breath. If that is so, why would we ever stifle what is our life-force? Yoga is a powerful tool for freedom. It opens us to our truth, our innate wisdom, our subtle intelligence, our self-love, our compassion, our spirit. Without breath, we only have half the puzzle. Yoga is everything that is good. "
- Diane Hudock, Thoughts on Yoga
I had the worst headache last night. It was so bad that I found myself moaning in discomfort, not able to sleep. I felt delirious. Of course, it was a rude awakening when my alarm went off at 4:50 am to prepare for practice. I laid in bed contemplating whether I was fit enough to make it to the mat. After 10 minutes stewing in discomfort I decided to get up and go. I figured it was important to just show up and see what happens...allowing myself to take it easy and quit if things became unmanageable. I mean, I felt I had nothing to loose, I already felt bad enough, couldn't sleep comfortably, and it didn't seem to help me to just lay there.
I started off taking things extra slow and easy...diligently concentrating on the breath. I decided on sticking with primary series...more calming and relaxing. Thankfully, the pain subsided and I felt worlds better afterwards. There's nothing like conscious breathing to help relieve pain. When laying in savasana I was filled with gratitude for the healing benefits of the practice. Just showing up, with no lofty expectations, brought me back into balance...just wonderful. :)
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